In two years I had two instances of using medical insurance and in both years i had different insurance providers.
1. UHC united healt care
2. Apollo Munich
Well it is a personal exprience and cannot be held as an example for any of the providers.
I am not so happy with Apollo munich, as I dont think they do what they state, rather they are more of ...
1. UHC united healt care
2. Apollo Munich
Well it is a personal exprience and cannot be held as an example for any of the providers.
I am not so happy with Apollo munich, as I dont think they do what they state, rather they are more of ...
Jan 2010,
My mom went through a surgery and the max I had to do was to identify my self as the insurance holder and every thing esle was taken care by UHC.
Jan 2011,
My dad went through a surgery, and I had to
1. Identify my self.
2. Identify my dad.
3. Prove the desease and the type of operation needed.
4. It is a Co-Payment policy so I had to worry about payment from my side.
5. And more over Inspite of having an insurance of 8 lacs my parents are covered for only 3 lacs and then there was a limit of 2 lacs on the type of desease/operation we underwent. Hence I had to make the rest payments.
So you can see for yourself weather they are complicating or uncomplicating things.
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